HBV Committee & Governance

Harness Breeders Victoria Committee 2024


John Coffey (President) - 0418 500 211
Clyde Little (Secretary) - 0402 152 721
Maurice Hanrahan (Treasurer) - 0402 022 756
Sally McPherson
Ian Stanley
Dr Hugh Cathels
John Coffey
Pat Driscoll
Lorraine Barnes

All appointments to the committee are made in accordance with the HBV constitution.

Click here to view HBV's previous Committee Office Bearers and all Life Members.


The Committee holds bi-monthly meetings of committee. In addition, the Annual General Meeting is held once a year.

To comply with our obligations as an Association, all members are notified of the date, time and place the AGM, with agendas, papers, annual reports and nomination forms made available beforehand.

We encourage and welcome members to nominate to sit on the Committee each year. If you aren’t sure about what might be involved, please feel free to contact any of the Executive members (above) and they can answer your questions.

2025 Season Downloads

  • HBV Committee Nomination Form (must be returned no later than three days before the AGM) - to come in 2025